viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


Hello everybody!

After learning to evaluate the my colleagues's e-book about animals, I decided to create my own e-project. In this case, it's about "The Hydrosphere". Why did I chose this topic? I thought that this topic had a lot of possibilites to develop. In addition, the vocabulary, processes and features of the hydrosphere are key in the curriculum of Primary Education. Moreover, I can use many different resources and applications to work the contents, hence I think it's a very rich topic in learning.

Regarding to the creation of my prototype videoclip, I used Pow Toon because, in my opinion, it's one the most useful tools to record a videoclip for children. It's very visual and easy to handle. Moreover, it offers a great quantity of templates with many images, animations, shapes...etc. I have tried to be as concise as possible to attract better the client attention.

I hope you like and find it useful! 

Best regards!


Hello everybody!

Here is the link of the CLIL e-project chosen by me to evaluate it!:

To carry out this challenge I decided to use the tool called Genially, a beatiful way to create multimedia presentations. It allows us to use many templates, images..etc. Moreover it offers us many options to  create whatever we want! Initially, it was a little bit complicated for me to master the operation of the tool but, once you have acquired  the skill to work with it, things run smoothly!

This activity has made my eyes open about the importance of the evaluation. It is key that children learn to evalutate their peers because, in this way, they will develop thier critical thinking and their capacity to judge!

I hope you find it interesting!

Best regards!

martes, 1 de marzo de 2016


Hello everyone again!

As I said in the last entry, Pinterest is a very useful tool to share and find out new methodologies, resources and project. What is the another key thing for being a good teacher? Organise your learning, don't you?

Pinterest allows us to organise our favourite web sites, projects, articles or ideas for our class in an incredible easy way! All you have to do is create a new board and select the content that you want and pint it on your board. Extremely easy!

From now on you will have all your contents organised in the same place and it will be easy to find the information that you consider interesting for you and for you labour as a teacher!

Here is the link of my webmix. Have a look at Gonzalo's learning world, you will find it very useful!

I hope you like it!


What are the most important tasks for being a teacher?

In my opinion, being in contact with new materials and resources is one of them, for sure! Nowadays, there are many tools that allow us to collect this kind of information and knowledge easily. We have to take into account that if we take advantaje of them, we will have a long road travelled!

Pinterest is one of the most useful tools is the teaching-learning world. Thanks to it we can be soaked of knowlege and know many new methodologies and resources. Whatever resources that you want to find out or investigate, it will be on Pinterest. It is one of the biggest banks of common knowledge online and a fantastic way to share with other people your concerns, projects, works, articles or web sites. I recommend you if you want to be a good teaching professional!

Here is the link of our board, made by Master's in Bilingual Education's students, called Open CLIL:

And here are my first six pins shared in the board!:

Follow me on Pinterest in: gonzalomonton

You will find out many useful resources! Have a look at it!

Visita el perfil de Gonzalo de Pinterest.


 Before starting this entry I would like to answer two questions that I consider to be key for the understanding of the property sense.

- What do my license allow others to do with my CLIL e-materials?
I used this licence because I found it very useful to share and use material and information. In addition it has many possibilities for restrictions.
My lincence allows others to use my information or different contents created by me with the condition of  naming me. Moreover, people are not allowed to use the material for commercial purposes. I have not additional restrictions, so everybody will be able to use or share the material if they follow this two points.

- What are good ways to motivate our students to use Creative Commons material and attribute properly?
Students have to know what is the creativity. Creativity belongs to each of us, that's why is extremely important protect our creations or ideas. Students have to learn to attribute properly because it's a fair way to learn.

You can check below of my blog the creatice common licence chosen. Have a look a it!

Anyway, here is the link

                             Resultado de imagen de Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
